Turtle doves are omnivores and will eat feed and insects. However, if they eat vegetable leaves, they need to cut the vegetable leaves into small pieces and feed them to the turtle doves.


Usually you can feed them corn, rice, chicken feed, and chopped vegetable leaves, and regularly give them some sand mixed with salt to supplement trace elements. Turtle doves generally forage on the ground and eat a large number of small seeds. Such as sorghum, wheat seeds, rice and fruits, etc., and occasionally insect larvae. The nest is built in a tree, usually 3 to 7 meters high from the ground, and is made of branches with a simple structure.

Turtle doves mainly feed on plant seeds, especially crop seeds, such as rice, corn, wheat, peas, soybeans, beans, rape, sesame, sorghum, mung beans, etc. Occasionally, they also eat fly maggots, snails, insects and other animal foods such as sorghum, wheat seeds, rice and fruits. Occasionally they also eat insect larvae. In winter, they often eat camphor tree seed cores.

Turtle doves can eat most foods and will not get sick.



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